
I Met Her


I met the GOLD MEDAL GIRL Stephanie Brown Trafton. She spoke at our church as planned.

I hope you were there and met her too.

Stephanie is a wonderful teacher. Without even knowing it she taught us all many things about the Christian life.

We first saw her humble spirit. So many great athletes are bragadocious and pompous.Stephanie was just the opposite. Confident but very humble.

We also saw her intense self discipline. Do you know anyone who trains 4 hours per day? No wonder she won the GOLD.

Stephanie also showed her transparent and open personality. She let us see the good and not so good in her past life. She had nothing to hide and confessed her weaknesses. I don't know too many great and famous people willing to be that vulnerable.

We also saw her bold love and obedience to the Lord. In China she started a Bible study group for the Olympians and had a great response.

It was so refreshing to see a famous young athlete who wasn't shy about her faith and love for God.

I learned a lot from her coming to Cornerstone. I hope you did too.

You can see her pictures we took at the outreach on the 25th of Jan. Go to our home page. Just click on the Media panel then go to Photos. These are Awesome!

By the way her own web page is Please check it out.