


Our recent trip to Baja was awesome.

We visited the Mixtec Indians on two occasions. Their village was miles from the main road up in the hills of the farming area.

These people are the poorest of the poor.They live on a hillside with black plastic walls for houses. The wind shredded plastic wrap is old and full of holes. It is wrapped around irrigation pipes to form a semblance of four walls to make a tent like structure they call a house.

In the several years that Cornerstone has been going to Baja these conditions are the very worst we have ever seen.

These poor people have no education, very few belongings, live in filth and dirt floors. They have no running water or electricity. They cook over open fires and use candles at night.

Our Mission team brought them food, clothing, toys, and God's love. We also took photos of their families and presented them with the pictures on our following visit.

It was our most touching and emotional experience. Each time we came we could hardly believe people really lived in that primitive squaller. Jesus talked about loving the least of these my brothers. We saw the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked.

Thank God our team of eighteen short term missionaries had the privilege of loving feeding and clothing them. It was a very humbling experience.