
Results Of Resurrection


  1. The writing of the four gospels including 30 chapters on the last week of Jesus life.

  2. The boldness of the apostles to preach the gospel everywhere inspite of persecution.

  3. The beginning of the Christian church which spread very rapidly.

  4. The proof that Jesus is who He claimed to be.

  5. The miracle of multitudes of transformed lives throughout history.

  6. The promise of our own resurrection in the future which may be soon.

  7. The joy of experiencing Jesus promise to now live inside each believer.

  8. The blessings of knowing His power on a personal basis.

  9. The assurance that Jesus can now be trusted in everything He says.

  10. The knowledge that we have a great life beyond the grave for all eternity.

What a wonderful life we have because of the resurrection. Enjoy every minute of it each day of your life.